Dictation practice [Ainu]


Do you like traveling?

I like it very much.

I went to Hokkaido

last summer.

I visited

a Ainu museum.

I learnd about

the Ainu there.

Once Hokkaido

was the land of the Ainu.

The name of places

show this.

For exaple,

Sappo, Kushiro, and Asahikawa,

are from the Ainu language.


People in Honshu went into Hokkaido

at the end of the Edo period.

They changed

the Ainu way of life.

These chages

became official in the Meiji period.

Many Ainu customs

became illegal.

They stopped

hunting and fissing,

and began farming

against  their wil.

They could not 

use there 

own language 

in public.


Today some Ainus

are trying to keep 

their traditional ways.

Kayano Sigeru 

is one of them.

He thought, 

The life of a people

is in its language.

So he started

Ainu language classes

with his friends.

This moved many people.

Now Ainu teachers 

give their

people laguage lessons.

The language lives again.


※Time required 14min 4ses.

It time is very slowry...